Google Maps and Arrow Keys

I just have a web-related query today. I’m a big fan of google maps. I think I’ve written on here before about how I like to use the website to explore places I’ve never been, and get to know more of the geography of the world. Streetview is sometimes a nice surrogate for my daily trundles, particularly when I can’t actually get out and about due to the weather. A couple of days ago though, I found I could no longer use my keyboard’s arrow keys to get around the map. I found it easier to move the map up, down, left and right with my keyboard than with my rollerball, but the keys no longer did anything. Plus and minus to zoom in and out didn’t work either. It was quite perplexing. I was using Google Chrome but, oddly, I found the keys still did what they were told in the standard Mac browser. Does anyone know anything about this, or how I can put it right? How I hate it when these irritating little bugs crop up.

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