Back To Busses

I have now been reliably informed, following my entry two days ago, that Iphone and Ipad charging sockets can be found on busses in at least two places outside of London: Northwich and Darlington (wherever that is). I suppose that puts my question to rest, then: I really must try to remember that London is not the focal point for all progress in the UK. However, another bus-related question is still bugging me. I never got to the bottom of whether wheelchair ramps on busses outside London have been made automatic or are still manual. I’m now used to the ramp coming out of a bus when the driver presses a button in his cab, but outside of London do drivers still have to get out and flip the ramp by hand? I would hope automatic ramps would be ubiquitous by now, but I suspect it’s a case of some areas having them while others still have slow, manual ramps which make you feel like a pain. As cool as Ipad chargers are, as a wheelchair user I think this is a far more important question, as it is surely a sign of how much a council is willing to invest in ensuring people with disabilities have access to public transport.

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