Yet More Begging Questions

I was out and about again earlier. Today I chose to stay local and explore a bit more of the nearby parks. I was going through Sidcup, though, when I suddenly heard a man’s voice telling me to stop. Slightly puzzled, I came to a halt in my powerchair, and was approached by a scruffy looking man. I didn’t recognise him and was slightly taken aback. The guy then started to explain that he was homeless and asked me for two pounds.

To be honest I felt slightly afraid. I chose not to say anything but just drove away in my chair. I didn’t want to seem rude or heartless, but what could I have done? If I wanted to give the man some money, it would have meant inviting him to open my bumbag and get it out himself – something which, I think you’ll agree, would have been downright idiotic. I think saying nothing and just driving away was the right thing to do, yet beggars always make me feel awkward and uncomfortable: part of me really would like to help them, but ultimately I know I can’t. As I said here last year, surely such people should have access to the same social support structures anyone else is entitled to, so why do they come up to people like me in the street, asking for small change? And why do I still feel so troubled for not being able to help?

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