UK Politics Is No Place for This

Earlier today I heard that Farage has caused quite a stir over the weekend with the sickening statement that Rishi Sunak left the D-Day commemorations early last week because he didn’t understand ‘our culture’. Of course I’m not a Sunak fan, but surely we were past crap like this. The ridiculous statement has apparently made many people extremely uncomfortable, probably not least because of the sheer arrogance of it: what gives Farage the right to say what constitutes ‘our culture’ and what doesn’t? More to the point and probably more dangerously, he seems to think he has the authority to determine what constitutes ‘us’, and who does not belong in that group. That is exactly the type of thing we saw the Nazis do. While I suspect the embarrassment to humanity is just spouting such shit to stir up far right support and cause controversy, he is undeniably trying to take UK politics down a very dark, dangerous path.

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