Rishi Sunak The Movie

You may have noticed that I haven’t been writing much about the election recently. To be honest, politics just winds me up, and you probably know which party I want everyone to vote for anyway, so I’ve just been avoiding the subject. However, I really think I should flag this Led By Donkeys video up. It’s a short profile of Rishi Sunak, and really gives you an idea of what a privileged, arrogant p’tahk he is. He’s the type of guy who seems to think that everything should just be given to him simply because he was born into a certain family, that contributing to society via tax is some kind of evil, and that those less fortunate than he happens to be don’t deserve any state help. So, he’s a typical Tory then. More to the point, this short film really gives you an idea of what a vile person Sunak is, making it seem all the more urgent that he isn’t re-elected.

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