QR Codes Are Becoming Troubling

I know I have touched upon this before, and I don’t really want to repeat myself, but to be honest QR Codes are really starting to annoy me. We see them everywhere these days, from bus stops to political party leaflets, but because I can’t use the camera on my Ipad to scan them, I have no idea what they do. To be fair, there is usually a website address beneath them which I can just type into a web browser, but their increasing ubiquity is bothering me more and more. This is a form of technology and information distribution which I, as a disabled man, have absolutely no way of accessing. Of course, I’m not unhinged enough to think that this is all due to some kind of anti-cripple conspiracy, or that those of us without the manual dexterity to use our Iphone or Ipad cameras are being deliberately left behind. But now that these codes are being used as a way to access quite important information, and are starting to appear on things like political leaflets, this is really starting to bother me. It’s really starting to feel like I’m being left behind or excluded.

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