Sky TV? You Were Lucky!

I’m presently seeing so many things on social media taking the piss out of Rishi Sunak for his comments this week about not having Sky TV as a kid, I almost feel sorry for him…almost. It’s pretty intense. My favourite of course are the memes based on Monty Python’s* Four Yorkshiremen sketch, with Sunak’s head placed over one of the character’s (“You were lucky!” etc”). It interests me how such a classic piece of British comedy can be reused/referenced like that to make such a witty comment about contemporary politics. The memes are getting funnier by the day. But there’s no denying that he brought it upon himself, and only has himself to blame. Did he really think he would get away with sounding so whiney and spoiled? Frankly I think it tells us all we need to know about not just Sunak’s sense of entitlement, but that of virtually every member of the Tory party. Oh how I relish seeing those tossers being ravaged!

*Or was it originally from the 1948 Show?

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