Are Powerchairs Becoming Popular?

I might well be imagining it, but I’m pretty sure I have started to see a lot more people using powerchairs when I’m out and about. Over the last few weeks especially, the number of people using powerchairs seems to have quadrupled. Not long ago, I would be lucky to encounter one or two fellow powerchair users a week on my trundles around London. All of a sudden, though, they seem to be everywhere. I’m not talking about mobility scooters used mostly by old people, but the type of electric wheelchair I first encountered back at school. I was just in Lewisham, and I must have passed eight or nine other people in powerchairs at least. Of course, I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing; it just strikes me as an odd trend, and if it is real, rather than me just imagining things, it makes me wonder what is behind it. Has anyone else noticed anything similar?

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