Ten Years Since the Paralympic Closing Ceremony

I just checked my blog archive, and was bewildered to see that it is now ten years (and a day) since I posted this entry. Ten years since the 2012 Paralympic closing ceremony; ten years since London played host to the world; ten years since Lyn and the Paraorchestra played alongside Coldplay on an evening I will never forget. Of course, I won’t even try to go into everything which has happened since then: so many wonderful, happy memories, but so many painful ones too. Above all, I still miss Lyn, without whom I would never have had such experiences.

In fact, Mitch, John Dom and I were all up at a small free music festival on the Greenwich Peninsula this weekend, enjoying the first live music I had seen in zark knows how long. Yesterday afternoon, sat alongside my friends in a dark, cavernous hall lit only with spotlights and throbbing to wonderful rhythms, I turned to John and typed “Lyn would have loved this” into my Ipad.

“I was just thinking exactly the same thing.” John replied. So much may have happened over the last ten years, but Lyn would have been the first to point out that there are always even greater things yet to come..

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