A Total Farce

Having just caught up with the evening news, I think I need to reiterate what I wrote here. I seriously believe that the Tory party needs to be broken up and disbanded, more than ever after today. The last few weeks has been an utter farce politically; the world is laughing at us, and now Truss has gone and the Tories need to elect a new leader, things can only get even more stretched out and silly. We’re being lead by a group of idiots with no idea how to govern a country, yet think they were born to do so. At the very least we need a general election, as that would be the only way that the country could have any confidence in any government. Otherwise, it would be a case of a deeply unpopular, thoroughly discredited laughing stock of a party clinging to power with no real right to.

This total car crash would be hilarious if it wasn’t so infuriating.

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