Not Really The Step Forward We Need

To a certain extent, today is quite a momentous day. In a way, it’s a day of progress which we should all be pleased to see. Today sees the UK’s first non-white, British-Asian Prime Minister ever enter Downing Street. There’s no denying that that is a huge step forward. Yet there’s also no denying that Rishi Sunak is a Tory and a Brexiteer; an avowed, committed member of the very party which got the country into so much trouble. The Tories, including Sunak, can try to deny it all they want – they can try to pin it on Putin and the Russian invasion of Ukraine – but the UK is up shit creek due to Brexit. The Tories will never admit that because it would utterly destroy their party, so we won’t be able to even contemplate getting the country back on the road until we have a proper government willing to address the catastrophe of Brexit. (As an intelligent man, Starmer clearly knows this, but won’t admit it for fear of loosing Outist votes). Above all, what we need is a general election; we need a decent, properly elected government with a sensible leader willing to admit reality, as opposed to someone handed power by a bunch of spoiled brats determined to cling to office for as long as possible. As pleasing as today might be, it isn’t really a step forward. That will only come when the Tories are kicked out of office.

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