
Rain is starting to feel much more ominous, to the extent that I might be developing a real phobia of it. Over the last two or three weeks, rain has got into my powerchair controller twice, and it has had to go to be repaired.  I headed out when it was dry and bright, but all of a sudden it has started to piss it down, and I haven’t been able to find cover in time to save my chair. I hadn’t realised rain could cause so much damage, but now even the smallest hint of grey cloud is enough to make me contemplate staying at home. I feel a genuine, stomach churning concern that the skies might suddenly open, my chair will cut out and I will be stranded in some quiet, forgotten corner of the metropolis with no idea how to get home. Having now used them to get around for so long I really like my powerchairs, but I just wish they were slightly more durable and waterproof.

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